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My services, costs and what to expect

Consultations can either take place via phone or zoom call


Free Discovery Call 
30 Minutes

For first-time clients, our Journey will begin with a FREE 30 minute discovery session. This is an informal session which will enable us to get to know each other a little. You will have the opportunity to tell me briefly about your health and wellness goals, health history, lifestyle, dietary habits and current presenting symptoms.  

This call will also give me an insight of whether i'm able to support your symptoms or refer you to a more suitable practitioner. It will give us both an idea of what changes you may be recommended to make and you can confirm whether these recommendations are something that you are willing to take up and implement after the consultation.


Please be assured that you are under no obligation to continue with me to the next stage, however if you wish to proceed you will receive a detailed health questionnaire immediately after this session together with a 7 day food diary to complete prior to your first appointment which would allow me to study your history carefully and prepare for our first consultation.

Initial Consultation
2 hours

Please allow a minimum of 90 mins to 2 hrs for your consultation.


Prior to your consultation at least 5-7 days before, I will have had all signed forms completed and returned to me including food diary, test results that I may have requested for and your Nutritional Questionnaire.


In this session you will have a chance to tell me about all your health concerns, we will discuss your history in detail, pre-dispositions, movement of disease by visiting your completed nutritional questionnaire. You may receive immediate suggestions for changes if appropriate at the time, however it may be more likely that I will send out a personalised plan sometime after our consultation, highlighting everything in detail with rationales. 

Follow Up Consultation
(existing clients only)
1 hour

Please allow a minimum of 60 mins for your follow-up consultation.


This usually takes place at 4-6 weeks after the initial consultation. I would have most likely recommended supplements and changes in diet where necessary which is why I usually allow

4-6 weeks to allow for effects to be felt.


In this session we will discuss progress between appointments - further recommendations, next stages, supplement review and depending on status whether laboratory tests are needed.


After this session you will receive a revised plan sent out to you detailing the changes made necessary to bring you closer to your optimum health.

Email and Message support 
15 mins

This support is available for existing clients.


On receiving your personal plans after your consultations with me, you will no doubt have questions in regards to your plan for clarity purposes. Please be assured that I will answer any questions in relation to your recent plan, however, any additional New health concerns, questions in between appointments will come with a small fee when I respond, due to the amount of time involved in looking through client case history and researching information specific to you.

Blood Report Analysis and Review

If you are unsure of what your results mean and to obtain optimal health show me your most recent blood test results and receive a written report indicating where you are in terms of 'optimal health' instead of acceptable health and what changes you can bring to achieve that. 


NHS and functional medicine both take different ranges into account. The functional view is that health is measured along a wellness continuum, which is a spectrum moving from health to disease whereas the conventional view is that health is measured as an absence of disease. As long as you do not have a disease, you are considered healthy because you are within the 'normal' range. You are more than  likely to be told that your test results are normal but they may lie outside of the optimal functional medicine range and often this is the cause of your ongoing symptoms. 



Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis & Follow-up

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis refers to the process of testing a sample of your hair to reveal its mineral make-up. It is an inexpensive, more reliable method of gaining a great deal of information about your body to create a bespoke plan.


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is one of the most valuable screening tools available in preventative health care where you provide some hair samples retrieved in a painless collection process and are sent to a lab for analysis. The data this lab analysis provides is a detailed booklet and a graph stating what your oxidation rate is, how well your blood sugar is balanced, thyroid function, adrenal status, vitality, stage of stress you are in, ability to deal with stresses, metabolic trends, mineral needs and any heavy metal toxicity. This analysis is very helpful in building your bespoke plan and highlights any vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well with precision. For best results Hair Tissue mineral Analysis works best along side your initial consultation where deeper connections can be made against your nutritional questionaire.


With Hair Analysis, we can get down to precision within no time and to a great deal of accuracy. No test, including urine, stool or blood tests, can show all your heavy metal toxicities as they are buried down in the bones, brain and organs.


UpComing Service

I am pleased to announce that in the month of June I will be able to provide clients with vitamin/nutrient injections.

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