What is Naturopathy Nutritional Therapy
Naturopathy Nutritional Therapy uses an application of evidence based, nutritional and lifestyle science to promote optimal health and wellbeing, focusing on the causes of the symptom (root cause) rather than the diagnoses or symptoms of a disease. It is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on the whole person in assessing and providing the support that the body may require in order to deal with disease to help restore the body's vital energy.
Naturopathy makes you understand that you are biochemically unique and what makes you, is unique to you and that your state of health is an amalgamation of your environmental inputs (e.g toxins, stress, diet and lifestyles) that you have experienced over your lifetime. It helps recognise how disease moves from one area to the other if left unattended.
It is now scientifically recognised that environmental inputs play the greatest role in shaping our health and well being and that the manifestation of disease tend to precede by a consisitent decline in health.
This practice is also based on the belief that the body has an instinctive ability to heal itself with non-conventional therapies and so given the right conditions the body is able to heal itself.
How we support our client's health concerns is based on the principles of Naturopathic medicine teachings...
First do no harm - by utilising the most natural, least invasive and non-toxic therapies
Identifies root causes of illness - by looking beyond the symptom rather than suppressing symptoms
Educates clients - about the healing power of nature (self-healing), self-care and prevention
Looks at an individual as a WHOLE and not at a specific ailment - by taking into account each individual's unique set of factors contributing to the disease that has erupted
Prevention beats cure